The artistic movement that operated between 1947 and 1951 included Carla Accardi, Ugo Attardi, Pietro Consagra, Piero Dorazio, Mino Guerrini, Achille Perilli, Antonio Sanfilippo and Giulio Turcato.
The Group advocated a non-realistic art in which form and sign had an essential and autonomous meaning. Each artist progressively developed a personal language, most of them following the languages of abstractionism.
Several artists in the group came from western Sicily: Accardi from Trapani, Consagra from Mazara del Vallo, Sanfilippo from Partanna. Attardi, although born in Sori (Ge), soon moved to Palermo. Consagra, Accardi and Turcato contributed, albeit in different ways, to the reconstruction project in Gibellina, a city with which they maintained a constant relationship, so much so that Consagra chose it as the place for his burial.
Active from 1947 to 1951, the artistic movement included Carla Accardi, Ugo Attardi, Pietro Consagra, Piero Dorazio, Mino Guerrini, Achille Perilli, Antonio Sanfilippo, and Giulio Turcato.
The group advocated a non-realistic art where form and sign held essential and autonomous meanings. Each artist developed a personal language, most embracing abstractionism.
Several members hailed from western Sicily: Accardi from Trapani, Consagra from Mazara del Vallo, and Sanfilippo from Partanna. Although Attardi was born in Sori (GE), he soon moved to Palermo. Consagra, Accardi, and Turcato contributed to the reconstruction of Gibellina, maintaining a close relationship with the town, leading Consagra to choose it as his burial place.
captions below the two works in relief
LEFT : Pietro Consagra, Bifrontale, wood and iron, 1981. Dim. 193 x 143 cm
RIGHT : Carla Accardi, Untitled, tempera on canvas, 1955. Dim. 65 x 55 cm